Even after cost increases in 2022 that outpaced inflation, chances are you’ll be spending more to heat your home this winter, which means, you may also be looking for ways to save on your utility bills.
Smart bulbs, low-flow showerheads, smart thermostats, and other energy-saving devices can help lessen gas and electric usage, but they require some sort of upfront investment. Instead, try tweaking some of your daily habits, which can lower bills from as little as a few bucks a month to as much as a few hundred dollars a year.
You’ve probably been nagged by a loved one to turn off the lights when you leave a room, but here, Wirecutter experts offer several other pain-free (and often cost-free) suggestions that take the sting out of your monthly bills.
1. Open and close curtains, shades, and blinds strategically
Don’t leave your windows untouched! A Department of Energy study found that “75% of residential window coverings remain in the same position every day,” representing missed opportunities to conserve home heating and take advantage of solar heat. Get into the habit of opening window treatments in the morning (especially where you receive direct sunlight) to let as much sun into your house as possible, says Jon Chase, editor of our smart-home coverage. When late afternoon rolls around, close curtains and shades to keep the heat in.
2. Deal with drafty windows and doors
Applying weather stripping around old windows and door frames can improve your home’s insulation, but it can also be expensive and time-consuming. If you do DIY it, we recommend using Frost King’s 0.25-inch Silicone Weatherseal which is relatively affordable.
For an even easier way to insulate windows, we recommend double-celled blackout shades—but there are also a few even-cheaper shortcuts that can get the job done. Staff writer (and Boston resident) Thom Dunn recommends the “classic New England move” of using a hair dryer to shrink plastic wrap over the gaps on your windows. Senior staff writer Rachel Wharton, who lives in Brooklyn, tucks folded towels or blankets along windowsills and the bottoms of doors.
3. Keep windows clean and remove the screens
Most of us probably forget to wash our windows as part of our housecleaning routine. Jon notes that regularly removing dirt, dust, and grime from windowpanes is an easy way to allow more light (and thus more heat) into your home. Another seasonal chore not to skip: removing window screens until spring. Some evidence suggests that they block substantial amounts of passive solar heat from entering your home.
4. Cook with countertop appliances
If you already own smaller electric appliances—like a toaster oven, air fryer, rice cooker, or an electric pressure cooker such as the Instant Pot—consider using them instead of your larger electric oven or range. Explains Marilyn Ong, supervising editor for our kitchen coverage, “Reheating food in a toaster oven rather than your full oven saves you from preheating all that extra space. And pressure-cooking a stew for one hour in an Instant Pot uses less electricity than simmering something on the stove for hours.”
The Department of Energy reports that convection ovens and toasters use “one-third to one-half as much energy as a full-sized [electric] oven,” and it recommends “using the microwave oven when possible,” as well as using an electric kettle to heat water, which is faster and more energy efficient than your giant water heater. (The energy savings compared with gas ranges or ovens is harder to measure, since the relative costs of the two energy sources can vary from region to region.)
Something to note about gas cooking appliances: They have long been shown to release potentially harmful pollutants. When it is too cold out to open a window for extra ventilation, using countertop appliances you already own instead of your gas oven may have added health and safety benefits.
5. Use a space heater (wisely, and not too much)
The infrared technology in space heaters is designed to heat people and objects, not space, so they’re best used as a spot treatment for situations like warding off a chill in a drafty home office.
“They work most efficiently when pointed at one or two people in a smaller area,” says Thom, who co-wrote our guide to the best space heaters. “Line up the space heater so it’s directly pointed at you and close doors to keep the warm air in.”
Still, Thom advises against running a space heater for an entire day due to the cost: the nonprofit utility service Silicon Valley Power has estimated that running one just during work hours can add $30 to $40 (PDF) to your monthly electric bill. It’s best not to use one for more than a few hours at a time in tandem with window insulation, solar heat, and extra layers of clothing. And if you really feel you need one to warm up a large space for a long time, consider an oil-filled radiator heater, which warms the room with a gradual radiant heat that will stick around even after you turn the heater off. Thom also notes that many space heaters today are equipped with timers so they shut off automatically, which can save you money and, much more importantly, keep you safe.
6. Lower the temperature on your water heater
The next time you’re near your water heater, take two minutes to check, and consider resetting, the temperature. “Water heaters are often set very high: 140 °F or sometimes much higher,” Jon explains. “Then a mixer lowers the water temperature before it’s sent to your various fixtures. Anything 120 °F or higher can scald.” (For reference, water for a bath is typically around 100 °F.)
You can cut out the middleman, so to speak, by manually lowering the temperature yourself. Keeping the temperature just above 120 °F still gives you “plenty of hot water,” he adds, “but you’ll save dramatically.” Don’t dip below 120 °F, or you run a slight risk of allowing the bacteria that can cause Legionnaires’ disease to fester.
This one adjustment can save a household more than $400 annually on the cost of heating water for everyday use, according to the Department of Energy, plus another $36 to $61 annually in “standby heat losses,” which is heat that is lost from a water tank heating system that is not in use. “This is actually a double play,” John says. “You’re saving by not having to heat water stored in your hot-water tank, which saves as much as $30 a month for every 10 degrees you lower the water temp. But then you also get to add in the savings from not heating up the water used by all your fixtures and appliances: the dishwasher and laundry and of course tubs and showers.”
The Department of Energy has a short, helpful video that walks you through changing the temperature on your water heater step-by-step and points out a few health concerns, like respiratory or immune-system problems, that might make it more advisable for some households to keep the temperature at 140 °F.
7. Wash laundry in cold or warm water instead of hot
Making the switch on your washing machine from hot water to warm or cold can cut a load of laundry’s energy use in half, according to the Department of Energy. Cooler wash cycles are also almost always easier on your clothes. “Hot water in general can tackle really dirty clothing better than cold, but it can also degrade fabrics—performance fabrics in particular—over time,” explains Ingrid Skjong, supervising editor on our appliance team. “Cold can typically do the trick.”
8. Vacuum forced-air grates
If your home is heated through forced air, make sure to vacuum the intake register covers. These are usually located on the floor or along your baseboards and can get clogged with dust or pet hair over time. Optimal airflow prevents warm air from getting trapped in the ventilation. You can vacuum the intake register covers with a handheld vacuum or a hose attachment on a floor vacuum—whatever’s easiest for you.
9. Instead of raising the thermostat at night, add more bedding
Shivering in bed is a flat-out miserable experience, but brisker air (around 60 to 67 °F) actually helps lower your core (aka internal) temperature, which is part of the body’s natural sleep cycle. In fact, reducing the body’s core temperature has been shown to help you fall asleep faster.
If you have forced air, lowering the thermostat by 7 to 10 degrees from its normal setting for 8 hours every night shaves about 10% off your heating bill, according to the Department of Energy. (But if you have electric baseboard heating, steam heat, radiant heating, or a heat pump, the feds note that setting the thermostat back likely won’t result in savings.)
Regardless of what kind of heating you have, we advise that you use bedding rather than your thermostat to get comfy. Consider dressing your bed with an additional flat sheet, comforter, or blanket made of natural, breathable textiles, such as cotton, linen, or wool. If you suffer from cold feet at bedtime, wool or cotton socks are another great way to stay warm while actually reducing your core temperature; they bring blood flow (in other words, heat) to your skin’s surface, drawing it away from your core.
10. Stash extra blankets and sweaters around the house
Your mom was right. You should just put on a sweater—but keep it in a place where you’ll actually use it. Hoodies and sweatshirts that normally live in your dresser can be draped on your home-office chair or hung near your front door for when you come home. Blankets that have been sitting in a chest all summer can similarly be folded elegantly on your couch or in your favorite reading nook. Think of it as a way to literally embrace winter by wrapping yourself up in something extra cozy.
This article was edited by Catherine Kast and Annemarie Conte.