100M T-Mobile customers at risk from ‘full personal data’ hack

    A hacker is selling what they claim is personal data from 100 million T-Mobile customers in the US, stating that this means full records for each customer, including social security numbers…

    Motherboard reports.

    The forum post itself doesn’t mention T-Mobile, but the seller told Motherboard they have obtained data related to over 100 million people, and that the data came from T-Mobile servers […]

    Motherboard has seen samples of the data, and confirmed they contained accurate information on T-Mobile customers.

    “T-Mobile USA. Full customer info,” the seller told Motherboard in an online chat. The seller said they compromised multiple servers related to T-Mobile.

    The data appears comprehensive:

    • Names
    • Social security numbers
    • Phone numbers
    • Physical addresses
    • Unique IMEI numbers
    • Driver license information

    The hacker says they are privately selling much of the data, but can supply 30 million social security numbers and driver license details for 6 bitcoin ($270,000). This data would be a prime target for identify theft.

    T-Mobile neither confirmed nor denied the claim.

    T-Mobile said in a statement to Motherboard that “We are aware of claims made in an underground forum and have been actively investigating their validity. We do not have any additional information to share at this time.” T-Mobile repeatedly declined to answer follow-up questions about the scale of the breach.

    Earlier this summer, there was another major privacy fail when a hacker managed to scrape the data of 700 million LinkedIn users.

    second massive LinkedIn breach reportedly exposes the data of 700M users, which is more than 92% of the total 756M users. The database is for sale on the dark web, with records including phone numbers, physical addresses, geolocation data, and inferred salaries.

    The hacker who obtained the data has posted a sample of 1M records, and checks confirm that the data is both genuine and up-to-date.

    Photo: Mika Baumeister/Unsplash

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