15 Jobs And Processes Tech Leaders Believe Should Never Be Automated

When many people think about automating processes, they may immediately picture a robot arm at work in a manufacturing facility. However, in today’s workplace, more and more tasks are being handled or made easier through automation. Many industries are beginning to use artificial intelligence to their advantage, leveraging AI-based tools for data analysis, customer service conversations, content creation and even developing visual assets.

While tech leaders know automation technology can help businesses across industries improve their processes and boost efficiency, they also know that it’s not appropriate for everything. There are some roles and tasks that will always be best left to humans. Below, 15 Forbes Technology Council members share roles and jobs they believe should never be automated, and why.

1. Processes That Haven’t Been Carefully Reviewed First

Processes that are repetitive (for example, data entry, or double keying from one system to another) are usually the best candidates for automation. There is often a rush to automate existing processes; however, best practice requires a review of the process. First, see if the process can be eliminated (it may no longer be required), simplify it (ensure the process is fit for the purpose) and then automate. – Sandeep Davé, CBRE

2. Network Relationship Management

Connecting with customers and those who refer business should never just amount to marketing and “set-it-and-forget-it” tools such as email. The most powerful business tool is word-of-mouth referrals. Staying personally connected, regardless of the nature of your business, is key. – Will Hunsinger, Riviera Partners

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3. Processes That Rely On Human Emotion

Any process or role that requires creativity, empathy or judgment should never be automated. The greatest value of humans is our ability to adapt to the individual needs of every person and process. Automation cannot lead and inspire others, cannot consider empathetic factors in a business decision and cannot express a unique perspective for creative vision. – Rene Head, The Methodical Group

4. Sensitive Data Reviews

While we introduce a number of hygiene checks when it comes to sensitive data, it always undergoes manual QA at the end of the day. Systems break, pipelines end up processing unstructured data and APIs delay responses. Data integrity can fail unless it’s put to the manual test of critical thinking. – Mario Peshev, DevriX

5. Meaningful Human Interaction

Using automation to replace meaningful human interaction should be avoided. Meaningful human interaction relies on understanding and empathy, and automation cannot replicate those. We have all been subjected to instances where organizations have tried to get rid of the human element for customer service, and it is always a less-than-satisfactory experience. – Don Murray, Safe Software Inc.

6. Design Or Architecture

When designing solutions, there are many intangibles to consider. Interaction with the client is essential to truly understand what the client needs and wants. Clients often tell you what they want, but they need help understanding what they need in order to accomplish what they want, which can often change the outcome. The clarity of a solution is critical to the requirements being met. – Sean Barker, cloudEQ

7. Conversations With Stakeholders About High-Impact Events

Communication with stakeholders or customers about high-impact security events should never be automated, especially when other humans are impacted by said event. Humans are better equipped at this point to incorporate the right levels of empathy, situational awareness and tone that machines have not perfected yet. Additionally, these messages should be verbally delivered as well. – Jerich Beason, Capital One

8. Customer Support

One job that should never be fully automated is customer support. I am a fan of using chatbots and resource centers as tools to help users with common questions and concerns. However, chatbots will never completely replace humans. If your customers have nuanced questions or need help with an unusual situation, they need a live person to assess the situation and find a solution. – Thomas Griffin, OptinMonster

9. Research And Development

Research and development activities are not suitable for automation. There is something about human contact that makes creativity special, and that is something that machines will never be able to reproduce. I believe that R&D is not only science, but also creativity, and thus should always involve a human element—even if it is only a tiny element. – Cristian Randieri, Intellisystem Technologies

10. Doctor Appointments

AI and ML are impressive, but not perfect. Many tasks can be structured into data gathering, analysis and output. But some require flexibility. For example, appointments with doctors should never be automated. In a potentially life-or-death situation, a doctor’s human intuition can enable them to coax additional important information out of a patient to improve their diagnostic outcomes. – Nicholas Domnisch, EES Health

11. Teaching

I think teaching should never be automated. Teaching requires a human touch, including the ability to customize lessons and interact with students in a meaningful way. Automation cannot replace the interaction and connection between teachers and students that is essential for learning. – Sean Toussi, Glo3D Inc.

12. Hiring And Onboarding

Hiring is one area that always requires personalization, including human support when a new employee is joining an organization. This is an area where automation is at the bottom of the chain. Nothing can replace one-on-one rapport. – Bhavna Juneja, Infinity, a Stamford Technology Company

13. Decisions That Require Human Judgment

In DevOps, there is a school of thought that advocates we “automate everything.” While that’s possible for many use cases, it’s just too risky to automate the ones that require human judgment or human-in-the-loop involvement. In many respects, this follows the same line of thought we use for autonomous vehicles: While the technology is capable of functioning independently, caution dictates having a driver behind the wheel at all times. – Amit Eyal Govrin, Kubiya.ai

14. Customer Communications And Troubleshooting Assistance

When a mission-critical service is not doing its job or you are unsure how to configure it correctly, the last thing you need is an automated bot, on the phone or on a support site, giving you canned answers to common issues. Good customer service should never be automated; it should be delivered by experts who take the time to understand and resolve your specific issue. – Carlos Morales, Neustar Security Services

15. Competitive Analysis

While software automates data collection and combines disparate sources of information to make it easily digestible, synthesizing these inputs and developing responses is what won’t be automated. Competition is a moving target. – Sayer Martin, Conga

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