440 TH/s? Bitcoin Scammers Photoshop World’s Largest Chip as Mining Rig

    On the surface, it would appear that it’s happened: the largest and most complex semiconductor chip known to man has been turned to Bitcoin mining — all 850,000 cores of it. At least, that’s the impression that the marketing department at NuMiner must’ve intended to give when they created their NuMiner NM440 press releases. The result? An impressive piece of mean, green machinery that claims a competitor-demolishing 440 TH/s in Bitcoin mining.

    The only problem is that the new device is clearly Cerebras’ CS-2 system with NuMiner’s branding photoshopped on. However, the implication that NuMiner is using Cerebras’ chips to power the company’s NM440 Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) is clear: The largest and most complex semiconductor chip ever produced — 850,000 cores of human ingenuity — supposedly used for cryptocurrency mining.

    But that actually isn’t the case. 

    Cerebras original CS-2 Design

    Cerebras’ original CS-2 design. Note the Cerebras logo on the center bottom of the system’s rear. The NuMiner texture artists forgot to clean up that bit. (Image credit: Cerebras)

    We reached out to Cerebras, and the company tells us that it doesn’t have any connection to NuMiner or its NM440 systems. Cerebras also made clear that NuMiner’s use of the CS-2 design (it even had Cerebras’ logo still on the bottom of the image) was not approved. The company also has no affiliation with NuMiner. Cerebras provided us with the following statement:

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