5 Things I Wish I Knew When I First Learned Programming

Starting your programming journey is exciting, but it’s easy to fall into traps that slow down your progress. By understanding the common mistakes new programmers make, you’ll set yourself up for success right from the start. Here are five mistakes I made that you can learn from.

1 Don’t Focus On the Syntax, See the Logic Behind

When learning to program, it’s natural to worry about getting the syntax right. The symbols, keywords, and structure of any language can feel intimidating at first, so you might wrongly focus primarily on memorizing syntax. However, this can be counterproductive, especially since syntax alone won’t help you understand how or why code works.

What truly matters in programming is logic, the process of breaking down problems into steps that can be executed by a computer. Syntax is simply a way to express that logic in a way the machine can interpret. Consider the classic beginner problem FizzBuzz. When trying to solve this, a syntax-focused beginner might get caught up in how to structure the if statements.

When I was new to programming, I focused way too much on learning the syntax, especially the brackets, the semicolons, and the code structuring. As a result, when I tried to solve problems, I faced difficulty. Sure, I knew how to use conditionals and loops, but to actually use them to implement a solution was out of my league.

Instead, it would’ve been more helpful for me to focus on the logic behind the solution. Understanding this logic means I could adapt this solution to Python, JavaScript, or any other language. In real-world programming, you often look up syntax nuances or library methods even as an experienced developer.

2 Instead of Learning Multiple Languages, Get Good at One First

A screen with the Python download webpage.
Lucas Gouveia / Hannah Stryker / How-To Geek

Many beginners think that knowing multiple programming languages makes them better programmers. But in reality, depth of knowledge in one language is much more valuable than a shallow understanding of several. Switching from language to language without mastering any of them can lead to confusion and inefficiency.

When you focus on a single language, you develop a strong foundation in essential programming concepts, such as variables, loops, conditionals, functions, and object-oriented programming. These concepts are the core of programming, and once you grasp them deeply, you can apply them to any language with relative ease.

Imagine you start with Python because it’s beginner-friendly and widely applicable in fields like web development, data science, and automation. By focusing exclusively on Python, you can become comfortable with core programming principles and start building projects that reinforce these concepts.

I started my programming journey with C. I soon got bored and moved to web programming. Then I saw the popularity of Python and started learning it. Ultimately, I couldn’t learn any of them properly. At that time, I thought knowing several languages meant I could use all of them when I needed to. However, when it came to applying them, either I totally failed or wrote pretty bad code. That’s because I didn’t know the intermediate or advanced concepts of any language.

3 Don’t Let Tutorials Tie You Down

When starting to learn programming, it’s easy to get drawn into the cycle of watching tutorials one after another, thinking you’re making progress. But simply watching or following along doesn’t build the skills you need to write your own code or solve real-world problems. This is what’s commonly referred to as “tutorial hell,” where you keep consuming information without actually applying it.

The reality is that programming is a practice-based skill. Just like you can’t learn to play soccer by watching someone else play, you can’t become a programmer without actually coding. Suppose you’re learning Python and find a tutorial series that guides you through building an expense tracker. You code along with the instructor, and by the end of the video, you have a working calculator. It feels like progress.

A big mistake I made was collecting different video tutorials, courses, blogs, and other resources and started binging them. I watched video after video, finished playlist after playlist, and only copied the code along the way. Since I only followed along, I struggled when asked to build an app or even a small project from scratch.

When you don’t have to make decisions or face challenges on your own, you can’t internalize the logic behind a project. Instead, after watching the first part of a tutorial, try to pause and build a simpler version of the project. Working through even a simplified version without direct instructions will help you understand how to structure and problem-solve yourself.

4 Learn by Doing

When it comes to programming, nothing beats “learning by doing.” Theoretical knowledge and passive learning can give you a foundational understanding, but only hands-on experience will solidify that knowledge and help you become a confident programmer. Project-based learning, where you actively create and build will help you develop real-world programming skills.

Projects can be as small as a to-do list app, a quiz app, or a simple game. Each project you attempt will introduce you to new challenges, forcing you to look up specific syntax or problem-solve on the spot. By focusing on projects, you gain the confidence to solve real-world problems and begin to see yourself as an independent programmer, not just a tutorial follower.

I once did an experiment. I wanted to learn PHP Laravel. Instead of consulting tutorials, I decided to work on a project from the start. I downloaded an open-source project and started reading its code, tweaking it here and there to see the changes. It was a different approach to how people usually learn a language. Interestingly, I learned quite a lot in a short time. Soon I could write PHP code and make new features in a real project.

5 Not Knowing Everything Is Okay

A man angrily holding a laptop with codes around him and warning signs.
Lucas Gouveia / How-To Geek | Krakenimages.com / Shutterstock

When you first start programming, it’s easy to feel like you need to know everything. Every language feature, every framework, every tool out there. But trying to learn it all up front is overwhelming and unrealistic. Even the most experienced developers don’t know everything, and that’s completely fine. Programming is a constantly evolving field, and there will always be more to learn. Accepting this fact can take a huge weight off your shoulders and help you focus on making steady progress rather than trying to master it all at once.

Programming involves a vast range of skills: syntax, algorithms, data structures, frameworks, debugging techniques, libraries, and more. Attempting to cover it all at once dilutes your focus and keeps you from gaining depth in any one area. This lack of depth makes it difficult to build projects or solve real problems because you’re constantly jumping from one new topic to another without fully understanding any of them.

In my case, I often overwhelmed myself by trying to comb through every topic in a programming language until I burned out. The more I tried to learn, the more I felt I knew nothing. A better approach is to focus on a few core skills and gradually expand your knowledge as you gain experience. Start with the basic concepts. Once you’re comfortable, move on to slightly more advanced concepts. As you build projects, you’ll naturally encounter new things to learn, but these will come in a context where they’re useful.

Learning to program is a journey filled with challenges, and making mistakes is simply part of the process. Embrace these setbacks as opportunities to grow and remember that every expert was once a beginner too. Remember that each line of code you write brings you closer to becoming the programmer you want to be.

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