Cyberpunk 2077: How to Get a Refund

    Cyberpunk 2077 isn’t quite the game it was hyped up to be. Players on PC are mostly happy with their purchase, but jump over to consoles and you’ll see an entirely different story. Muddy graphics, an underpopulated city, and a litany of bugs make both the PS4 and Xbox One versions less than ideal ways to experience CD Projekt Red‘s latest game.

    In fact, Cyberpunk 2077 had such a bad showing on consoles that the developers stepped forward to address the issue on Twitter. Their solution? Either be patient and wait for updates in 2021, or ask for a refund.

    If you’re not ready to wait several months before roaming Night City in all its glory, getting a refund is probably your best option. Here’s everything you need to know about getting a refund on Cyberpunk 2077.

    Further reading

    How to refund Cyberpunk 2077 on PC

    Getting a refund for Cyberpunk 2077 on PC will vary based on the storefront you purchased it from. Here are the different refund policies for the most popular distribution services on PC, and how to go about requesting a Cyberpunk 2077 refund.


    Valve’s platform is pretty generous when it comes to refunds. Simply sign into your account and navigate to the Help tab at the top of the page and select Steam Support. From there, just find Cyberpunk 2077 under the Purchases toolbar, and then click “I would like a refund.” So long as you’ve had the game for less than two weeks with under two hours of playtime, your request should be accepted.

    However, Steam sometimes approves requests that don’t meet these standards, and we wouldn’t be surprised if it makes an exception for Cyberpunk 2077.

    Epic Games Store

    Once signed into your account, go to your profile and view your transactions. Select Cyberpunk 2077 and an option to request a refund should pop up. As it was with Steam, requests that are filed within two weeks of purchase with less than two hours of playtime are usually approved. You can also try using the Contact Us option to reach out directly to a representative and plead your case.


    GOG is less restrictive than both the Epic Games Store and Steam. The only real requirement is to have purchased the game no more than thirty days ago. You can request a refund using this page.

    How to refund Cyberpunk 2077 on PlayStation

    Playstation 5 with disk drive

    Sony has officially stated it will be offering full refunds for copies of Cyberpunk 2077 purchased through the PlayStation store. Not only that, but the company will be pulling the game from the storefront entirely — meaning you’ll no longer be able to pick it up until all the issues are fixed. You can begin the refund process here, although Sony said the time until your claim is processed will vary based on payment method. They’ll also likely be swamped with people looking for refunds, so expect a bit of a wait time between initiating the refund and actually receiving it.

    If you’ve purchased a physical copy, your best bet is to bring it back to the retailer and ask about their refund — or in-store credit — options.

    How to refund Cyberpunk 2077 on Xbox

    Like all other retailers, digital Xbox refunds must be submitted within two weeks of purchase. You’re not guaranteed to get your money back, but you can try your luck by requesting a refund here.

    Again, physical purchases of Cyberpunk 2077 are best handled by going directly to the store you purchased it from and asking about their refund policies.

    Cyberpunk 2077 refund policies for common retailers

    GameStop’s refund policy states that you can only return a game within 30 days of purchase — seven if the game has been opened. Amazon offers much the same with a 30-day refund policy, but also states that an opened game won’t be eligible for full reimbursement. Meanwhile, Walmart offers a 90-day refund policy, although you’ll need your receipt and original form of payment.

    Cyberpunk 2077 has drawn global media attention for the wrong reasons, so we wouldn’t be surprised if retailers are lenient with the rules to keep customers happy. If you don’t manage to land a refund, you can look forward to a much better game in 2021.

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