Become a financial expert at the cards table with The Money Deck, now 15% off

    Source: StackCommerce

    Most novelty playing cards are just for fun. But with The Money Deck, you get educated in the world of personal finance as you play. Right now, the casino-quality deck is 15% off at just $16.99.

    Whether your game is blackjack or poker, picking up these cards might be the best investment you ever make. A successful product of Kickstarter crowdfunding, The Money Deck is a great addition to any collection.

    Printed on premium paper cardstock with gold foil, the deck contains 52 cards plus two jokers and a reference card. Each card delivers a lesson in personal finance, ranging from basic knowledge to advanced ideas.

    To bring these concepts to life, the cards bear illustrations from an artist who regularly contributes to the Harvard Business Review and WIRED magazine. Below the picture, there is a simple, light-hearted explanation.

    Topics covered include saving and retirement, investment strategies, credit and borrowing, common money mistakes, the economy, fun facts, and more.

    The Money Deck usually sells for $20, but you can get it now for $16.99.


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    The Money Deck – $16.99

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