Panasonic SD-YR2540 review | TechRadar

    There’s nothing better than the smell of fresh bread wafting through the house, but baking your own bread can be time-consuming. This is where a bread maker can prove handy, taking the hard work out of baking your own loaf. Panasonic has been one of the more prominent manufacturers of bread-making machines since they first appeared in the 1980s, and the latest addition to its bread-maker range is one of four units that come with a new horizontal design that doesn’t take up as much space on the countertop. 

    The Panasonic SD-YR2540 has a sleek, stainless-steel finish. For the first time the appliance comes with both automatic fruit/nut and yeast dispensers, which will add these ingredients at the appropriate time in the baking process, spreading them evenly throughout the dough, so you don’t have to worry about doing it yourself.  

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