Overwatch 2 PvP will move to 5v5 due to the power of tank heroes

    Tracer in Overwatch 2.Source: Blizzard Entertainment

    In a new PvP-focused livestream, Blizzard Entertainment developers have announced that Overwatch 2 PvP will be moving to a 5v5 format that removes one of the tanks from each team’s lineup. This means that each team will feature two damage heroes, two support heroes, and a single tank hero. This change will dramatically change the feel and flow of Overwatch PvP combat, but the developers ultimately feel that the shift is for the best.

    In the stream, the developers explained that due to how powerful and impactful many of Overwatch’s tank heroes are, having two of them on each team would often result in situations where they were oppressive and overpowered the capabilities of damage and support heroes. Therefore, by limiting the amount of tanks to one per team, the developers aim to make it so that tanks remain powerful and strong while also preventing them from overshadowing other heroes.

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    The developers also stated that they’re aware of how some “off-tanks,” such as Roadhog, wouldn’t jive with this new direction well as they are now. Moving forward, the developers are working on changing characters like Roadhog so that they’re more capable of serving well as a solo tank. We’re not sure what changes will be made specificially, but hopefully the developers have more to share in the future. Some other tanks have gotten some changes as well, and these were shown off during the stream. These include Reinhardt being able to cancel and control his charge more, and Zarya getting two charges for her projected bubble shields.

    What’s your opinion of this change? Are you excited for 5v5, or do you think Blizzard is in the wrong here? Let me know. We’re still not sure exactly when Overwatch 2 will release, but the original game is available now on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One consoles, PS5, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and Windows 10 PCs. You’ll be able to play PvP with Overwatch 2 players if you buy the original game, though you won’t have access to the game’s PvE experiences. Make sure to check out our full Overwatch and Overwatch 2 heroes list for helpful tips, tricks, and information if you’re a new player.

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