Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Beta adds potted azalea to ‘Caves and Cliffs Update’

    Minecraft Caves And Cliffs Update Beta ImageSource: Mojang Studios | Twitter

    Minecraft is a few days away from receiving its next major release with Part One of the Caves and Cliffs Update launching on June 8. Mojang Studios is hard at work ensuring the update is as stable as possible with a flurry of new Minecraft: Bedrock Edition betas and Minecraft: Java Edition snapshots in the lead-up to the Caves and Cliffs Update. Today, Mojang Studios is releasing Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Beta with a new batch of bug fixes. However, today’s beta also surprises by adding a new feature to the imminent Caves and Cliffs Update.

    With Beta, Mojang Studios is added potted azalea and potted flowering azalea to the game. If you fancy the look of these new Lush Cave plants, you can now place them in a flowerpot and decorate your home or base with them. It’s rare for features to be added to major updates so close to release, so it’s nice to see Mojang Studios add these two new items to the game. On top of that, there’s also the usual swath of bug fixes and general improvements to look forward to.

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    Beta follows the earlier Beta and Minecraft: Java Edition Pre-Release 4, showing that Mojang Studios has no intention of slowing down as we near the release of the Caves and Cliffs Update Part One. If you’re looking for some sweet new Minecraft gear in your life, look no further than our list of best Minecraft merch, toys, and gifts.

    The full changelog for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Beta includes:

    Known issues


    • Due to submission issues, this week’s beta update is not available on Android devices. But don’t fret, it will return soon! Multiplayer with the previous beta, version, is still compatible with this version

    New features


    • Added potted azalea and flowering azalea variants

    Bug fixes


    • Fixed a crash that occurred when breaking a block when the Caves & Cliffs experimental toggle was enabled

    Diamond ore

    • Diamond ore now generates with the correct distribution again

    Glow lichen

    • Glow lichen now only drops itself when broken with shears


    • Frosted ice can now be used in any command that accepts a block, such as /setblock and /testforblock

    Data-driven items

    • Updated documentation for DisplayNameItemComponent


    • Disenchanting an item using the grindstone once again resets the enchantment cost penalty correctly

    Glow sign

    • (Vanilla Parity) The text on glowing signs now has an outline
    • (Vanilla Parity) Black text on signs can be lit by using a glow ink sac
    • Tooltips are now present when holding ink sac and glow ink sac when using a controller
    • (Vanilla Parity) Ink sac and glow ink sac can no longer be used indefinitely on signs in Adventure mode
    • (Vanilla Parity) Player can no longer dye text on signs in Adventure mode


    • Underwater fog is once again dependent on biome


    • Pumpkins are once again accepted by farmer villagers regardless of their rotation when mined


    • Jukebox now only ejects disk into non-solid blocks


    • Baby horses, including their variants, are now taller and no longer exhibit Z-fighting from their legs
    • Amphibious mobs no longer get stuck when pathing over slabs and daylight sensors
    • Attacked glow squids no longer go dark only for aggressor in multiplayer sessions
    • Villagers spawned from villager spawners on Marketplace worlds that were created after version 1.11 now correctly spawn as V2 villagers


    • Tempted goats now move at the same speed as goats in Java Edition, and other similar mobs that are being tempted
    • Goat fall damage reduction is now in parity with Java Edition (-10 reduced fall damage)
    • Goats can now continue ramming when on slime block and honey blocks


    • Strays no longer drop wither skeleton skulls when killed by charged creepers


    • Bastion loot now closely matches Java Edition


    • Players can no longer swim through the air under a platform, though it looked pretty cool

    Sea turtles

    • Baby sea turtles no longer despawn after being hatched

    User interface

    • The “Reset to Default” button in the Accessibility settings now resets the Text Background Opacity slider
    • Fixed a typo in the “Loom” section of “How to Play”
    • The counters on empty tabs of the Play screen now display zero instead of an empty, grey box

    Technical updates


    • Limits writing of chunks unless necessary. Chunks upgraded from older formats will not automatically save when loaded, but when modified (Through blocks or actors, for example) they will be marked for saving

    Data-driven mobs

    • The horse rendering and animations are now fully data-driven
    • This work supports all horse variants (horse, mule, donkey, zombie horse, skeleton horse) and all horse versions including:
      • v1 (engine version 1.2.5 and earlier)
      • v2 (engine version 1.2.6 to 1.17.0)
      • v3 (engine version 1.17.10 and onward). This will be a cleaner version of the v2 model, with less confusing bone naming

    GameTest framework

    • Updates to how blocks are handled in APIs:
      • BlockType, BlockPermutation, and Block instances replace BlockState-based updating
    • Exposed chest block component and Container
    • Added location and velocity read-only properties to Entity
    • function createExplosion(location : Location, radius : number, explosionOptions : ExplosionOptions) – Creates an explosion
      • ExplosionOptions : class – Provides additional configuration parameters for createExplosion
    • method triggerEvent(eventName : string) – Triggers an event on an entity
    • Added thenExecuteFor to GameTestSequence, which repeatedly calls the callback for the specified number of ticks

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    Minecraft Bedrock Edition


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