Palantir, Shiba Inu, Apple, American Airlines: What to Watch When the Stock Market Opens Today

    Futures are pointing to a fresh selloff on Wall Street, as bond yields extend rises and energy prices soar. Here’s what we’re watching ahead of Wednesday’s open.

    Tim Cook talked about the new iPhone 13 during the Apple event on Sept. 16, 2021.


    Apple Inc.

    • Cryptocurrencies turbo-charged by Tesla CEO

      Elon Musk

      got another boost Wednesday. The token Shiba Inu gained 65% over the previous 24 hours, adding to a days-long rally after Mr. Musk posted a new photo of his Shiba Inu puppy named Floki on Monday. The coin now has a market value of $8.5 billion, making it the twentieth largest cryptocurrency, according to Dogecoin, a favorite of Mr. Musk’s, also rose 3.8% over the previous 24 hours.

    Chart of the Day

    Write to James Willhite at

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