Monster Hunter Rise on PC will not feature cross-play or cross-save support with the Nintendo Switch version

    The Monster Hunter franchise is a series of action games made by Capcomo where you are tasked with slaying larger-than-life monsters threatening humanity. Ever since the series has started appearing on PC with Monster Hunter World, fans have been asking if future titles like the upcoming PC version of Monster Hunter Rise could include cross-play and cross-save between the console and PC versions.

    Unfortunately, they will have to wait a little longer. Capcom has confirmed on the official Monster Hunter Twitter, that the PC version of Monster Hunter Rise will not be featuring cross-play or cross-save compatibility with the Nintendo Switch version. Capcom is aware of the fan demand for cross-play and cross-save and has attempted to implement it in Monster Hunter Rise PC during development. However, it was unable to work it in.

    While this is indeed sad news there is a silver lining. Even though Rise will not have these features, Capcom’s awareness of these demanded systems could mean that it might try to implement them in the next big Monster Hunter title.

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    It’s hard to deny the fans’ insastiable desire for these features. A series that is highly focused on co-operative multiplayer action, having cross-play would elevate Monster Hunter’s popularity with the gaming community. Not to mention being able to transfer their character’s progress from console to PC would be the biggest quality-of-life improvement the series has seen to date. Will Capcom be able to include cross-play and cross-saves in future Monster Hunter titles? Only time will tell.

    The PC version of Monster Hunter Rise will launch on Jan. 12, 2022, and its paid DLC expansion, Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak will launch during the summer of 2022.

    Get ready to hunt!

    Monster Hunter Rise Pc Box Art

    Monster Hunter Rise

    Sharpen your Longswords for the next big hunt.

    Capcom presents the latest title in its best-selling Monster Hunter franchise, Monster Hunter Rise. The Rampage is high and falls upon you to defend your home, Kamura Village, from the stampeding hordes of monsters. Stand your grand alone or call up your friends to send these monsters packing in 4-player co-op.

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