Halo Infinite players face blue screen following beta launch

    A blank blue screen? You’re not alone.

    What you need to know

    • Halo Infinite multiplayer has surprise launched, with a beta that includes the full maps and modes.
    • Many players are encountering a blue screen error when trying to launch the game.
    • This error should be resolved later as various servers come online.

    Halo Infinite multiplayer surprise launched as part of the 20th anniversary celebration of Xbox. As players rush to download the multiplayer, many are reporting an issue of just seeing a blank blue screen when trying to boot the game.


    Halo is back

    Halo Infinite

    Free at Microsoft

    Halo Infinite’s multiplayer has launched a few weeks early, compiling its classic arena multiplayer modes, expanded 24-player Big Team Battle, and more into one free-to-play package.

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