Curve DAO Token receives a strong long-term technical score of 83 from InvestorsObserver analysis. Our proprietary scoring system considers the trading patterns over the past several months to a year by analyzing the token’s consistency, volatility, and where it is relative to long-term averages to determine whether it’s a strong buy-and-hold investment opportunity.
Currently, CRV holds a superior long-term technical analysis score than 83% of crytpocurrencies. Long-term investors employing a buy-and-hold strategy will find the Long-Term Rank especially relevant when allocating their assets and may find additional value finding cyptos with a high short-term technical score to discover tokens that have bottomed out.
Trading Analysis
Curve DAO Token’s price is $0.6400000 (15.11%) above its 100-day moving average price of $4.210000000 as its price at the moment sits at $4.840000000. Additionally, CRV is $4.2500000 (-1039.84%) higher than its 52-week low price of $0.590000000 while -$1.90000000 (-76.50%) under its 52-week high of $6.740000000. The current trading price in relation to its long-term average along with its 52-week high and low, gives CRV a strong long-term technical score of 83. Long-term trading movement of Curve DAO Token suggest that investors are neutral on the token at the moment.
Curve DAO Token has a total market value of $2,168,823,387.46 with an high average daily volume of $4,114,630,773.07 worth of the currency exchanged over a typical 24 hour period. As of the past 24 hours, CRV’s volume is below its average with $613,034,389.92 exchanged in total.
This token’s subclass Decentralized Exchange: A peer-to-peer (P2P) marketplace for buyers and sellers of cryptocurrencies. Decentralized exchanges keep users in control of their private keys during transactions which is not the case on a centralized exchange.
Technical analysis of Curve DAO Token over the past year results in the crypto receiving a a strong long-term technical score of 83 as its price movement in that time has given traders reason to be neutral on the token in the long-term.