LA, Nevada, USA , Feb. 12, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — It is the time in the year, when the days are smaller than nights, and every lovely being becoming colder. But, ‘Lovely Floki (LOVE)’ is one good thing on Valentines’ Day. The Blockchain technology is becoming essential of every business due to its ability to transmit encrypted data and to securely store and transfer data.
Lovely Floki (LOVE) is an excellent Cardano (ADA) rewards giving token working with the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Lovely Floki is an intelligent idea and a very good idea to ensure legitimacy as a backbone of advancing business. Lovely Floki utilizes smart contracts and smart Technology to enhance the business scope and opportunities to all, offering three key features as Cardano:
1. Reward Distribution to Existing Members
2. Marketing Fee Acquisition
3. Liquidity Acquisition
Lovely Floki aims to bring high rated opportunity to make dream a reality. From Lovely Floki (LOVE), a tax at 6% on all transaction will be distributed as 3% among the existing members, 2% as marketing & development, and the remaining 1% to liquidity pool. Moreover, it is not a Meme token but a future utility token on its own Play to Earn (P2E) games and Lovely Floki NFT.
A 90% of all the Lovely Floki tokens will be allocated for pre-sale and the remaining 10% will be locked in Pinklock to distributed on Airdrop campaigns, community events, Game Development and Team.
Unlike other meme tokens, Lovely Floki will be introducing many utilities like Lovey Floki NFT, Lovely Floki play to earn game, payment method on Crypto website and giveaways via many community events.
By introducing OpenZeppelin Defender to LovelyFloki Smart Contract, many risks are decreased to the holders. In order to improve the transparency of the process, they will be transferring LovelyFloki ownership to a Timelock contract, thus all the operations will be proposed and approved by four out of six member of the development team via a multi-sig wallet, and executed with a 48 hours latency. This prevents failures caused by improper handling of private keys and gives users the opportunity to see all of the owner’s actions 48 hours before they are executed. Furthermore, the liquidity provider token (LP) will be locked for a period of more than 25 years.