A Marvel’s Spider-Man player completes a Demon Warehouse, which rewards Base Token resources, with a remarkable combo score and without taking a hit.
Marvel’s Spider-Man‘s Token resource is instrumental for crafting suits and gadgets. With six different Tokens and a combination of each for different purchases the player can choose to make, Insomniac Games encourages players to dip their toes into all of Marvel’s Spider-Man‘s optional open-world activities.
Each Token is rewarded for a different activity, whether players retrieve idle backpacks, photograph a landmark structure, or complete Harry Osborn’s remote research stations. But one of the more difficult Tokens to obtain is a Base Token, which is awarded when players infiltrate enemy bases and clear them of mob waves. In a recently shared clip, one Marvel’s Spider-Man player has impressively cleared a Demon Warehouse without so much as taking a hit, nor does their combo streak break.
Bases are infamous for their difficulty with many enemy waves that spawn in. With limited gadgets at players’ disposal, bases can easily be considered one of Marvel’s Spider-Man‘s toughest feats. However, Reddit user LobokVonZuben demonstrates how well they excel at Marvel’s Spider-Man‘s environmental combat and traversal. LobokVonZuben makes split-second decisions about which gadgets to fire and which interactbles to employ, all while making perfected use of the perfect dodge skill, wall-strikes, and aerial maneuvers.
LobokVonZuben, who dons Marvel’s Spider-Man‘s Into the Spider-Verse suit, uses nearly every gadget in Spider-Man’s arsenal and equips them instantaneously with a quick swap from the gadget wheel. Explosive projectiles thrown at LobokVonZuben are promptly lobbed back, and the Concussive Blast gadget is used to offer a bit of breathing room when enemies swarm them. In order to maintain momentum and fluidity, the player bounds from surfaces to have more leverage and pick their targets off strategically.
One particularly neat trick LobokVonZuben performs sees them fasten the Trip Mine to the side of a shipment container and ensnare enemies with them as they drop. The Marvel’s Spider-Man player is also able to creatively web-zip through narrow windows to reach distant enemies without disrupting their remarkable combo streak, which concludes at x222 when the base is completed.
LobokVonZuben has stated that part of their strategy was to use active finishers as a way to “replenish gadgets for longer fights” and that “they like to keep Spider-Man moving and bouncing” the whole time. Fisk Hideouts, Demon Warehouses, Sable Outposts, and Prisoner Camps all become accessible bases for players to tackle throughout Marvel’s Spider-Man. Optional bonuses are also awarded for challenge tasks completed mid-fight, so there are many opportunities for players to showcase their combat mastery and earn resources.
Marvel’s Spider-Man is available now on PS4 and PS5.
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