Apple again voted most relevant brand to United States consumers

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    In a new customer survey, Apple is again at the top of the heap of 293 brands evaluated for customer relationships and relevancy to everyday life.

    Prophet asked 13,500 consumers across the U.S. about brands that matter most to them. The survey measured consumers’ relationships to 293 brands across 27 categories.

    According to Prophet, today’s top brands are relevant because of their connection to humanity and people’s personal needs. Apple topped this chart with Peloton, Spotify, Bose, then Android rounding out the top 5.

    Prophet defines a relevant company as one that “excel by speaking to people’s hearts, making magic with a dazzling ability to inspire and connect.” Companies that people can’t live without.

    The top five brands are most relevant because of how people identify with them. Apple, Peloton, Spotify, Bose, and Android are all tech companies focused on personalizing experiences and connecting users. Prophet says customers tend to make these brands part of their personal identity.

    Other relevant companies include Playstation at number seven, USAA at number 10, and Calm at number 12. Apple tops many consumer-focused surveys like one asking about “brand intimacy.”

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