Product Review of Hooked on Phonics

What Users Love About the App

“My daughter has autism, and we have been working on reading for a awhile now. When we started hooked on phonics, it is like something clicked. The sentences are starting to flow, and she is starting to comprehend what she is reading. We definitely recommend Hooked on Phonics!”

“I love that I got a progress report on the levels completed and what needs more work. The cute animals and songs make the app fun and keeps my child interested, I am glad I signed up as part of our homeschool curriculum it is a fun and engaging app and exactly what we needed to improve reading skills!“

“Hooked on Phonics is absolutely vital in a child’s journey to becoming a good reader. I cannot express to parents just how important it is to teach your child PHONICS first and foremost. I suppose you don’t need to take my word for it, just see the science for yourself!!”

“Myself and my 5 yr old daughter have been using HOP for a week now, ONE WEEK!, and she can now read 4 books!!! She’s doing incredibly with this program. She does her lessons on the HOP app and she uses it along with the workbook and practices until she gets it right. “

“My son is in kindergarten and virtual learning since the pandemic started. Hooked on Phonics helped him so much to learn reading during all these months in lockdown. He is going to 1st grade next year and I highly recommend this app.”

What Users Dislike About the App

“Great app however it keeps glitching saying that I need to log in and have restricted access on certain lessons. At least get my name right if you’re going to respond. I even tried on the computer and can’t get into lessons. I unsubscribed.”

“I just signed up for the 7.99 monthly subscription and it won’t even let me use it. I tried on 3 different devices. It’s still got me in free preview mode and only plays the abc video.”

“I have been trying to cancel but under manage subscriptions there is only the option of pausing payments. I have been charged monthly even after several requests for cancellation. at this point I’m not worried about refunds for the year plus I’ve been charged.”

“Complicated… Way too much jumping online to get signed into app. I have going back and forth and all the annoying extra steps just to get this for my child. Wish I hadn’t spent the money on the app and just bought the DVDs.”

“My 5 year old niece loved this app and was rapidly going through it. She was thrilled and learning to read within weeks! Then they changed the entire thing. She hates it. Now it’s boring and monotonous and she refuses to use it.”

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