Product Review of Happy Numbers

What Users Love About the App

I added Happy Numbers on Clever for my class and I loved it! I give it 5 stars, along with a high 5. The class really responded well to the skills on the app. They couldn’t wait for our independent/intervention block to arrive. Thank you for providing a nice resource.”

“Happy Numbers was useful for my 3rd grade classroom. My students LOVE happy numbers and ask to get on it any chance they can. I am amazed at how much they push themselves using happy numbers and at how much they have advanced academically because of it. “

“It has been a great resource for not only my below-level students, but my above level students as well (many are almost about to begin 4th grade level work)! I would highly recommend this program.”

“My students are obsessed with happy numbers. It makes each of them feel successful at their own level, which boosts their confidence. Watching the dinosaur eggs hatch is a simple yet effective incentive for getting their work done.”

“Happy Numbers is fantastic for my kinders. They are engaged, entertained and motivated to use it.”

What Users Dislike About the App

“I cannot adjust my students’ levels according to their special education needs. Because my school accesses Happy Numbers through Clever, I cannot make separate classes / levels. And no matter how many questions in a row a student misses it will not level them down.”

“I would really like more control over this feature. Actually, it is a NEED in special education to be able to EASILY differentiate the materials to meet my student’s needs. I like Happy Numbers and would like to be able to use it more, but it is a waste of my time to plan any lessons wherein it would be valuable.”

“I don’t know if the problem is with Clever or Happy Numbers, but I am finding it hard and frustrating. This is especially silly because of how simple the program appears to be to use.”

“I like what it does, but I can’t seem to do much without a premium membership, which is REALLY expensive. If you want people to pay this, wouldn’t it be a good idea to show them what the premium membership actually does with a trial? I wish I had some guidance with this program.”

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