Apple recently removed the colorful flags from the macOS Monterey Input Source menu bar item, but fear not — there’s a new app that puts them back the way they should always have been!
When Apple released macOS Monterey 12.4 it made a small change that impacts a ton of people. By removing the Source Input flags, it made it more difficult to see which input you had selected and which ones are available. In the place of those flags, simple two-character country codes.
What happened to the whimsy, Apple?
Thankfully, there’s a fix — a new app called Keyboard Switcheroo that puts a new item into your Mac’s menu bar and offers the same functionality we know and love, complete with the flags that Apple so unceremoniously stripped away. The app’s wares can be seen in the screenshot at the top of this post.
Keyboard Switcheroo goes a step further, too. Now, you can select a custom icon including emojis for your input source, giving you complete control over how everything looks — take that, Apple!
Switch keyboard languages with ease! Switcheroo is a menubar app that shows your input sources with colorful flags — or with a custom image of your choosing! Use the menu to switch, add, or remove input sources with just a few clicks. It’s the perfect app for polyglots and vexillologists alike.
So how much will arguably the best Mac app that shouldn’t need to exist set you back? Just $1.99 — and you can get it in the App Store right now!
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