NexGen Energy (NXE) Draft EIS Approved to Proceed to Technical Review by CNSC

July 15, 2022 6:32 AM EDT

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NexGen Energy Ltd. (NYSE: NXE) is pleased to announce that on July 12, 2022, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (“CNSC”) announced their acceptance of the draft Environmental Impact Statement (the “EIS”) which the Company completed submission of in June 2022 (see News Release dated June 21, 2022). The acceptance of the draft EIS for NexGen’s 100% owned Rook I Project (“Rook I” or the “Project”) located in Saskatchewan’s southwestern Athabasca Basin follows a 30-day period during which the CNSC conducted a conformance review of the draft EIS submission and confirmed no comments or conditions. Further, the acceptance marks the formal commencement of the 90-day period during which the CNSC will coordinate both the Federal technical and public review of the draft EIS.

Leigh Curyer, Chief Executive Officer commented: “The CNSC’s acceptance of the Rook I Project’s draft EIS is a significant step, transitioning the Project into the Federal EIS technical and public review phase, incorporating rigorous and transparent Provincial and Federal EA review processes. NexGen’s approach to all aspects of the EIS compilation and completion with respect to inclusive Indigenous and community engagement, incorporating elite environmental mine designs and its transparent engagement with regulators and governments is a credit to the team and community stakeholders. On behalf of everyone at NexGen, I would like to thank all of our valued stakeholders for their commitment and dedication to this multi-generational Rook I Project.

The magnitude of generational positive impact benefits to materialize with the safe advancement of this project, starting with local communities and concluding with the avenue to return Canada to leading the world in the provision of clean air energy fuel, has no peer.”

The EIS represents the collection of reports that document NexGen’s environmental assessment (“EA”) of the Project. NexGen conducted the EA pursuant to The Environmental Assessment Act of Saskatchewan and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012. The information and analysis conducted and submitted in the EIS represent the basis against which the environmental, social, and human health effects of the Project will be evaluated by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment (“ENV”) and the CNSC. In parallel to the CNSC-led federal review, the ENV is currently coordinating a technical review of the draft EIS, which is scheduled to conclude in Q3 2022.

The EIS and the EIS Master Executive Summary can both be found at or

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