TechForce Foundation recently released a new white paper addressing the role that women techs can play in solving the ongoing technician workforce shortage.
“Women Techs: Solving the Tech Shortage Problem” goes into detail on how the automotive, aviation, diesel, collision, motorsports and other transportation industry sectors can recruit and retain women technicians and offer professional growth opportunities throughout every phase of their careers. TechForce Foundation interviewed women technicians across multiple sectors from the U.S., Canada, Australia and the UK. The interview group spanned every career stage, ranging in age from 19 years old to 60.
“Women make up more than half the population but account for less than 3% of the technician workforce,” said Jennifer Maher, CEO of TechForce Foundation. “The women techs we spoke to are thriving, and with demand for qualified technicians across the service and maintenance sector greatly outpacing supply, there is a huge opportunity for the industry to recruit women into these important ‘new collar’ STEM careers.”
In addition to collecting and sharing the real-world experience and insights of women techs today, TechForce articulates key steps that employers can take to enhance their ongoing recruitment, retention and growth strategies.
“Women Techs: Solving the Tech Shortage Problem” can be downloaded here.