Apple video explains how to use Time Machine to back up your Mac

Apple video explains how to use Time Machine to backup your Mac
A “how to” makes the process of setting up Time Machine to backup your Mac less intimidating.
Image: Apple

Your Mac can automatically make copies of your files with Time Machine, software built into macOS. A new video walks anyone unfamiliar with the feature through the setup process.

Using Time Machine is highly recommended. Macs don’t fail often, but when they do it can be a disaster for the user if they don’t have backups of their important files.

How to use macOS Time Machine

The concept is simple enough. Time Machine on your Mac automatically makes regular backups of your files and stores them on an external storage device. Once it’s set up, you no longer have to worry about it: The software will keep making duplicates of your files.

But the setup is complex enough to be a bit intimidating to someone who’s not a computer expert. That’s why Apple made a how-to video that walks through the process.

As Apple’s video points out, Time Machine requires external storage of some sort. This can be a hard drive, SSD or even an SD card.

The video then gives step-by-step instructions on how to configure automatic backups with the macOS. There’s enough detail that an average user should easily make it through the process. But if more explanation is needed, visit the Apple Support website.

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