Apple AirPods IP Fight Ends In Mistrial Over Juror Misconduct
By Gina Kim (August 10, 2022, 11:05 PM EDT) — A California federal judge declared a mistrial Wednesday due to juror misconduct shortly after deliberations began in a weeklong trial of Pinn Inc.’s $42 million patent infringement suit accusing Apple Inc. of knowingly ripping off its wireless earbud inventions when it released its AirPods in 2016.
A mistrial was declared Wednesday in a $42 million patent infringement suit over Apple’s AirPods. (AP Photo/Kathy Willens) U.S. District Judge David O. Carter declared a mistrial Wednesday afternoon with deliberations barely underway following closing arguments. Pinn’s counsel confirmed to Law360 that the misconduct involved more than one juror and that it had nothing to…
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