Washington’s apple crop is forecast to be smaller this year

Washington is the nation’s leading producer of apples. 

Washington’s apple crop is forecast to be a bit smaller this year because of the cool spring.

The Washington State Tree Fruit Association on Monday projected the 2022 Washington state fresh apple crop will total 108.7 million forty-pound boxes. That’s an 11.1% decrease from 2021’s 122.3 million boxes.

“We are pleased with the size of the harvest, particularly in the face of a long, cold spring,” said Jon DeVaney, WSTFA President.

The estimate shows that five popular apple varieties make up the majority of the harvest. Gala leads production at 20%, Red Delicious and Honeycrisp are each projected at 14%, followed by Granny Smith at 13.4%, and Fuji at 12.7% of total production.

Cosmic Crisp, which is grown only in Washington state, is 4.6% of the harvest, up from 3.2% last year.

Washington apples are sold in over 40 countries and are the state’s top farm commodity, representing 20% of the state’s farm-gate agricultural value in 2020. On average, 30% of the harvest is exported.

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