In June, Mr. Durov blamed Apple for restricting developers from providing a full experience through browsers.
In June, Mr. Durov blamed Apple for restricting developers from providing a full experience through browsers.
Telegram founder Pavel Durov has criticised Apple’s app review process, which is delaying an important app update from being rolled out to users.
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Mr. Durov said that the update “has been stuck in Apple’s review for two weeks, without explanation or any feedback provided by Apple.” Such delays is not just demoralising, but causes direct financial losses to several mobile apps globally, he added.
This is not the first time that Telegram has to struggle with the review process. We are often unable to distribute the new versions of Telegram due to the obscure “review process” imposed on all mobile apps by the tech monopolies, Mr. Durov complained.
Mr. Durov took aim at the 30% commission Apple and Google take from app developers. The tech titans claim the commission is supposed to pay for the resources needed to review apps.
Although the regulators in the EU and elsewhere are probing the duo’s market practice, the economic damage inflicted by Apple on the tech industry won’t be undone, he said.
In June, Mr. Durov blamed Apple for restricting developers from providing a full experience through browsers. Apple’s Safari browser restricted users from experiencing even basic features like video stickers.
By doing this, Apple wanted users to download the app from the App Store that would lead to Apple earning commission from the developers, Mr. Durov said.
In the past, other app developers have also accused Apple’s app review process.