4 ways to save money with Apple Refurbished

As much as we love our Apple products here at iMore, we know they’re expensive. This is especially true if you want to get the latest and greatest right when it comes out because there are usually no discounts anywhere, at least within the first few weeks. But not everyone needs the newest shiny toy that Apple offers right when it is released, and if you’re able to wait a bit, you can actually save money, especially if you go the Apple Refurbished route.

I tend to buy the newest devices from Apple, especially the newest and best iPhone, because it’s a part of my job here at iMore. But if I wasn’t in this line of work, I could definitely get by with last-generation devices, such as the iPhone 12 Pro, instead of the iPhone 13 Pro. And if I wanted, I could upgrade with the help of Apple Refurbished and save money if I’m willing to wait. Here are some tips to save some dough with Apple Refurbished.

What is Apple Refurbished?

Pacific Blue iPhone 12 Pro stacked on top of Midnight Green iPhone 11 Pro on a navy blue placemat

(Image credit: Christine Romero-Chan / iMore)

Before we get started, we should probably explain what Apple Refurbished is. Essentially, they are pre-owned products that people returned because of some kind of defect or products that were turned into Apple’s own recycling program. They can even be products that were simply unwanted and returned with no issue at all. Usually, refurbished Apple products have a discount of 15-20%, but sometimes you can even find something for around 25% off, though it’s much rarer. The general rule of thumb is that the older it is, the lower the price. 

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