Apple Inc conducted their extravagant event ‘Far Out’ on Wednesday that witnessed the launch of iPhone 14, Apple iPhone 14 Plus, Apple iPhone 14 Pro, Apple AirPods Pro, Apple Watch Series 8, Apple Watch SE, and the Apple Watch Ultra. However, Steve Jobs’s daughter might have a different take on the iPhone launch, when Wednesday morning’s keynote found a reply in meme from the former CEO of Apple’s younger daughter.
Steve Jobs’ daughter, Eve Jobs, joined the wagon when she shared a screenshot of a viral tweet, shows a man posing with a shirt identical to the one he’s wearing. “Me upgrading from iPhone 13 to iPhone 14 after Apple’s announcement today,” the tweet reads.
It seems like Eve’s meme echoes what many Apple loyalists have also been feeling in terms of the innovative spirit of the Bay Area tech giant. Apple enthusiasts have often pointed out that the tech-giant’s creativity might have taken a hit post their legendary albeit mercurial CEO Steve Jobs’ death in 2011.
After Jobs’ death and the exit of Jony Ive, Apple’s longtime creative head, the company has faced the ire of critics who have pointed out that every iPhone and nearly every other Apple device feels incrementally similar.
Eve’s post mocking Apple’s latest launch has gone viral all over social media, with people shocked that Steve Jobs even had a daughter who was called Eve. Netizens have also reacted with hilarious tweets.
Notably, memes were not limited to the Apple iPhone 14‘s similarity with the previous models, but also the fact that the latest model eliminated physical SIM slot and introduced e-SIM. For the first time, the iPhone models in the US will not have a SIM tray. The users will be able to use two eSIMS at once.
As soon as the news of e-SIM was announced netizens took to Twitter to write, “The next iphone will have no microphone. you’ll have to directly go to the person you want to talk to.” Another user wrote, “Soon it’ll be an e-phone instead of an iPhone. You own a digital copy, like an NFT.” A user from Ghana wrote, “Imagine buying the new iphone 14 from the US and getting home, Ghana, and you can’t use it because we don’t do eSims here. Premium tears.”
Daughter of Steve Jobs and Laurene Powell, Eve Jobs was only 13 when Steve Jobs died of pancreatic cancer in 2011. Formerly an equestrian, Eve Jobs is now a high-fashion model. Steve Jobs biographer Walter Isaacson declared Eve to be the most similar to Steve of his three children. This indicates that perhaps she knows something we don’t.
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