Apple’s walled garden is a real thing in the latest ad from Samsung – and in the confines of that garden there are no foldable phones. They are totally coming, but you will have to wait. “That’s what we do, we wait,” says the caricature of an Apple user in the ad.
The Korean tech giant believes it has a good read on Apple’s roadmap when it comes to foldables – internal estimates reportedly point to a debut launch in 2024. That imaginary Apple fan from the ad will have to wait and watch the Galaxy Z Fold5 and Z Fold6 get released, two generations of Z Flips too, before Cupertino brings out its own foldable (if Samsung’s estimates are correct, of course).
That being said, Apple’s first foldable might not even be a phone – both Samsung and independent analysts believe that it will be an iPad type device instead. So the Apple fan may have to wait even longer for a foldable iPhone.
By the way, don’t read too much into this ad-based dueling between tech giants – it’s just advertising to them. A few years ago Samsung released ads mocking Apple for removing the headphone jack, then quietly hid them as it removed the jack from the Galaxy Note10.