“Mere Mortals” is a spinoff of Apple TV+ comedy “Mythic Quest” which will be formatted after the flagship series’ most popular episodes like “A Dark Quiet Death.”
“Mythic Quest” is a comedy series on Apple TV+ about various employees at a popular video game company. It is currently airing in its third season, renewed for a fourth, and is now set to get its very own spinoff.
The spinoff is titled “Mere Mortals” and will be an eight-episode extension of “Mythic Quest.” The new series hails from Ashly Burch, John Howell Harris, and Katie McElhenney, with Megan Ganz, Rob McElhenney, David Hornsby and Charlie Day serving as executive producers.
Episodes of “Mythic Quest” like “Dark Quiet Death” or “Backstory!” stepped outside of the show’s main plot to tell a different story, usually with incredible effect. “Mere Mortals” will be written similarly to those episodes, which should be great news to fans of the series.
The spinoff series is written by “Mythic Quest” star Ashly Burch, John Howell Harris, and Katie McElhenney. Ubisoft, Lionsgate, and 3Arts Entertainment are producing the show for Apple TV+.