The headlining feature is of course the tremendously speedy M2 chip that also powers Apple’s latest Mac computers. It has more power than most people will ever need and Apple has also revamped the iPad operating system, making the latest 11-inch iPad Pro a perfect laptop replacement, especially when paired with a keyboard and stylus. There is also a new Apple Pencil hover feature that shows you a preview of your mark before it’s made.
The 11-inch iPad Pro has a flat-edged design and an edge-to-edge screen with thin bezels. The display has a high refresh rate of 120Hz which makes content look buttery smooth. The tablet is also very sleek and has a light body so it’s very convenient to carry it around.
The M2 iPad Pro flaunts a high-quality 12MP front facing camera and decent rear cameras that can be used for scanning documents and capturing quick snaps. There is also a lidar scanner for AR apps and it also helps with low-light photos.
Given that the tablet was released just a couple of months back, this is a pretty awesome discount, and must not be missed if you are in the market for a high-end tablet.