There are dozens of interesting quests to complete while playing Hogwarts Legacy, but some are more difficult than others. Unfortunately for many players, the sidequest titled “Take the Biscuit” has turned out to be a frustrating one for many. While the idea of this mission is pretty straightforward, it’s, unfortunately, possible to hit a glitch that makes it impossible to complete at this time. Avalanche Software is aware of the glitch and is working on a patch, but for now, you need to make sure to go about the quest a certain way, or else you’ll get stuck.
Here’s how to complete Take the Biscuit and an explanation of what not to do so you don’t hit that frustrating Hogwarts Legacy glitch.
Hogwarts Legacy: Take the Biscuit glitch
Even the best PC games and best Xbox games aren’t always perfect. It’s very easy to trigger a glitch in the Take the Biscuit quest and unfortunately, doing so makes this mission impossible to complete. This glitch is triggered if players unlock the cage in the bandit camp before accepting the Take the Biscuit quest.
What do I do if I already triggered this lock glitch?
We know thanks to Chandler Wood, the Community Manager at Avalanche Software, that the company is aware of the Take the Biscuit glitch. A patch is likely to release soon. Until then, the only way to fix this issue is to restart your save file before you triggered the glitch or to start over a brand new file.
We know some of you are running into issues rescuing Biscuit the Mooncalf! We’re not about to leave this adorable Mooncalf in its cage, so we’ve got a fix coming in a later patch.February 17, 2023
Obviously, it’s frustrating to backtrack to the point before you unlocked the cage and replay sections you’ve already gone through. Thankfully, the Take the Biscuit quest does not need to be completed in order to beat Hogwarts Legacy. So you can skip it without worry (unless you’re a completionist, of course).
Hogwarts Legacy: Take the Biscuit walkthrough
Go to Hogsmeade Map → West Hogsmeade Floo Flame and head northeast to the left side under the bridge. You’ll find a goblin named Garnuff here. Talk to Garnuff.
Garnuff will tell you that his Mooncalf, Biscuit, has been taken by poachers. You’ll need to head to World Map → North Ford Bog → East North Ford Bog Floo Flame then go northeast to the poacher camp.
Defeat all of the poachers in this area by either sneaking around with Petrificus Totalus or by using a mixture of your best spells and basic attacks. Remember that if an enemy puts up a shield you have to shatter it by launching a spell of the same color at them. Additionally, take care to dodge and counter as much as possible to avoid taking damage.
Once the poachers are defeated, head to the large cage in the center that is filled with Mooncalves and use Alohamora on the Level 1 lock and solve the lock puzzle to let them loose. The Mooncalves will scatter, but they won’t go too far from the poacher camp. Use Revelio to keep tabs on them.
Biscuit is a white female Mooncalf, so keep an eye on the text that appears above each animal’s head so you can pursue the correct one. When you’ve identified Biscuit, use Disillusionment to sneak up close to the Mooncalf.
When you’re close enough, cast Levioso on Biscuit. If you’re somewhat far from her, take a moment to quickly run up to her and cast Levioso again to keep her in the air. The closer you are to her before pulling out the Nab-sack, the easier the actual capturing part will be.
Finally, pull out your Nab-sack and press the button indicated on the screen to capture her.
Return to Garnuff under the bridge in Hogsmeade. He’ll thank you for saving Biscuit and then you’ll be given three options. You can return Biscuit to him, you can ask for more rewards for saving her, or you can keep Biscuit for yourself. Obviously, the moral thing to do is return Biscuit, but you can choose whatever you’d like.
Your reward for completing the quest is a cosmetic Beast Rescuer Robe and 180 experience points.
Save your Biscuit and have it too
As with any big game, there are several glitches in Hogwarts Legacy. However, the Take the Biscuit quest glitch is extremely easy to trigger on accident. If you happened to set this glitch off then the only thing you can do to fix it is go back to a previous save where you didn’t open the lock before accepting the quest. Otherwise, you’ll be stuck and won’t be able to complete the mission.
Fortunately, Take the Biscuit doesn’t need to be completed in order for players to beat Hogwarts Legacy. So while it is a frustrating thing to trigger, it won’t affect the rest of your wizarding world adventure if you do.