“It’s hard for especially our entry-level guys to be able to keep up,” said Yinger. So he endeavored to think of creative ways to help employees be able to keep up with costs.
The company revamped its Christmas bonuses to be performance related, introduced profit sharing and then added a Bitcoin Employee Bonus program. Employees will be given a percentage of a Bitcoin each April; the first one will be paid out in the coming weeks. In the second and third trimesters of the year, a similar amount will be deposited for each employee into a Shur-Way general fund. The company will control that until it disburses it in increasing portions to employees several years down the road.
The later disbursements, Yinger said, are meant to be a creative retainment tool. So employees will get Bitcoin payments directly each year and more that will accumulate in a group fund for years down the road.
“We spend a lot of time and money training and educating and getting our guys up to speed, and it’s a hard environment,” said Yinger. “People are jumping around jobs because everybody’s just trying to keep up.
“So this is another little hook,” he added.
Yinger, a self-proclaimed nerd and lover of macroeconomics, talked passionately and thoughtfully about why he decided on giving out Bitcoin.