Coffee is a beloved beverage that has been enjoyed for centuries, and according to some corners of the internet, it could be a secret weapon against mosquitoes, too. While some people swear by the repelling powers of coffee, does it actually work as a mosquito repellant?
Yes, some people testify that coffee repels mosquitoes.
Now, that being said, that evidence is mostly anecdotal, and the science behind this method seems to be mixed. Those who have found coffee to work as an insect repellent suggest pouring coffee over your lawn or sprinkling grounds around your flower beds. But how does this work… if it works?
A lot of people claim that mosquitos hate the smell of coffee and that caffeine is a natural insecticide (their little nervous systems can’t handle it). Unfortunately, getting rid of mosquitos is not as simple as that.
Pouring coffee or sprinkling coffee grounds around your yard may reduce the number of mosquitoes that choose to lay their eggs on your property. However, this isn’t a guaranteed way to reduce the number of adult mosquitoes already calling your yard home.
There is little scientific evidence to support the theory that mosquitos hate coffee so much that it masks the delicious lure of human skin. Coffee may be a natural method to try out and hope for the best… but maybe don’t put all your hope in it.
If you really want to protect yourself against mosquito bites, stick with methods that have proven to be effective.