Well, lately there are certain mysteries that seem to pop up, and everyone just accepts them as if they are just part of life without trying to understand the whys and whats of them. They quickly become so popular that they even show up as new words in the dictionary.
Have you ever wondered about what are the meaning of these words, or why are there so many white trucks on the road?
First, a disclaimer on white trucks: you mega-city dweller may not have noticed, but out here in the sticks, white trucks are everywhere. They are at least a ten to one of any other color.
Okay, so what? Well, to quote the National Inquirer, “Inquiring Minds Want to Know.”
And if you know all of the mysteries of woke, white trucks and bitcoin, you can move on to read the funnies.
Now, first off, do we think there is a connection? Hummmm… There may or they may not be any connection, but what if there is? So first let’s look into the mining of Bitcoin.
Mining? Yes, that’s how you get more Bitcoin, and the little bit I know about Bitcoin is that it takes a lot of energy to mine Bitcoin. Well, I do know something about mining since I’m a geologist, and I have had the mining of Bitcoin explained to me several times, and I always end up saying, “Huh?”
It seems that the explanation is that it takes a huge amount of energy to come up with the value and that’s it. Value from hard work or complicated math or other calculations gives value, and what make Bitcoin valuable is the hard work and the amount of energy it takes to create more Bitcoin.
But please, you Bitcoiners, don’t contact me in any manner because I already have a Bitcoin overload, and my brain can’t process any more data. But whether we understand it or not, the Financial Section of the paper prints Bitcoin values every day, just like stocks or commodities.
Bottom line: there are a lot of folks who think Bitcoins have value.
Another disclaimer: I do not own Bitcoin, but if any of you Bitcoiners (is that a word?) want to donate some of your stash of Bitcoins, I’ll be glad to take them, and I’ll let you know if you can buy a Starbucks with them.
Now to woke — or is it Woke?
Well, it seems to be a word that everyone uses, but no one really understands what it really means, and I’m one of the many who will nod when someone such as a governor says he or she is going to save us from Woke.
Being Woke does seem to be a Democratic condition, but what about Libertarians? Can Libertarians be Woke carriers?
Okay; maybe — but is Woke a mental condition, or is it something like COVID? And can you be a little Wokeish or is it like being pregnant, and you are either a Woke person or not? Can you be cured if you are Woke? You know, like the Korean War Vets who came home from prisoner of war camp quoting Stalin?
Maybe there should be incarceration for severe Woke where persons who are Woke are strapped to a chair and forced to watch Fox News for about two weeks, and then forced go to a restroom of their birth sex? Humm…
Now while you are contemplating those mysteries, let’s see if we can understand the proliferation of white pickup trucks, and whether there any connection.
If you haven’t noticed how an overwhelming number of trucks are now suddenly white, you are colorblind.
Henry Ford once said “You can have any color of car you want as long as it’s black.” Well, Henry, it ain’t that way now.
I bought a truck a few years back, and naturally I told the dealer I wanted a red truck, and he responded, “All we have available are white.” So maybe we’re so far down in the sticks here in L.A. that white trucks are all we get, or just maybe white is the preferred color that a huge number of byers prefer.
I had a used car dealer once tell me that a red car on the lot would usually bring a couple of hundred dollars more than a comparable car of a different color. I don’t know if that’s the reason we drive only red cars or not, except for the white truck, but when you see a red car driving in downtown El Dorado, it is usually either Vertis or Richard diving it.
I passed a parking lot driving to work today, and there were 15 white tucks in it and only two of any other color.
Now comes the hard part. Is there any connection with white truck drivers, Woke, and mining Bitcoin? In other words, do white truck drivers exhibit any of the signs of Woke and own Bitcoin?
I think we will all agree that there is a connection, but it is just the opposite, and the connection is clear: most white truck drivers aren’t Woke carriers and very, very few own Bitcoin.
Richard Mason is an author and speaker. He can be reached at [email protected].