Google changed everything about the web, and you have to live with it

Most people don’t remember what it was like to search the Internet before Google, which turns 25 today. It’s not that Google was the first to crawl and index the web. Others, like Alta Vista, Ask Jeeves, and Northern Lights did their best to help us make sense of the rapidly expanding Information superhighway (read our round-up of pre-Google services).

We searched because it was faster than crawling through links, hoping you’d find the right site, or using a browse tree like Yahoo search. I don’t know, though, that we thought of a web search and its results as answering questions. Or maybe we did but assumed that the Web was already, by 1998, too vast to spelunk to the center and hope to find anything.

Google turns 25

A '25 years of Google' badge on a yellow background

(Image credit: Future)

This is the part of a series of TechRadar articles marking and celebrating Google’s 25th birthday. Read them all here.

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