This one app makes Windows 11 look like Windows 12

What you need to know

  • Stardock recently shipped a new update to Start11, adding more than two dozen new features, including rounded corners to the taskbar.
  • Start11 v2 is also getting an updated search experience with native integration with the Everything search engine.
  • The update will allow users to backup and restore their settings from a file.
  • Other notable changes include Improved animations when navigating within the Start menus.

If you’re one of the many users who detests the Start menu on Windows 11 or would like to add a little flavor to it, then Stardocks’s Start11 is right up your alley. For those unfamiliar with the program, it lets users customize the Windows 10 and 11 Start menu experience with unique features, designs and restores classic functionality from previous versions of Windows.  

A significant update recently shipped to the platform, adding three new Start menu styles, which, according to Stardock, neatly blend with Windows 11 and 10. Moreover, each style is focused on a different theme, ranging from Apps, Professional, and Launcher. Moreover, they are fully customizable.

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