Home Cryptocurrency Aptos integrates Ondo Finance, Rebel Satoshi prepares to launch

Aptos integrates Ondo Finance, Rebel Satoshi prepares to launch

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Real-world asset (RWA) tokenization is an emerging sector within digital currencies. Aptos (APT) has found itself among the top crypto coins, helping to push this niche forward. Rebel Satoshi is currently preparing to launch.

Ondo Finance integrates USDY

Ondo Finance, a tokenized asset platform, has integrated the USDY stablecoin into Aptos.

The latter is the fourth platform to support the coin after Ethereum, Solana, and Mantle.

USDY is a token secured by bank demand deposits and USD treasuries. 

According to a press release by Ondo Finance, this is the first of many partnerships with Aptos. Both firms seek to merge on-chain and RWA yields, along with “new staking and re-staking processes that improve the utility of tokenized assets.” 

Based on the same press release, Ondo will feature USDY in Thala’s automated market maker pools.

Despite this development, APT is down. After hitting a monthly high of $10.79, APT is trading 11% lower at $9.56.

Nonetheless, APT forecasts indicate APT can still be worth at least $25 before the end of the year.

Rebel Satoshi presale almost concluding

Rebel Satoshi is a community-driven meme coin that’s preparing to launch.

It’s a project evoking rebellious themes to defy the current monetary status quo and shine a light on decentralized finance.

Simultaneously, Rebel Satoshi combines lively engagement and interactive games for a fun-filled experience. The meme coin is on its way to $100 million in market cap, meaning adopters can expect financial rewards. 

RBLZ is the utility token at the center of this goal. It has a fixed 250 million.

Rebel Satoshi offers:

  • The Staking Hub: This platform allows investors to earn additional above-average gains from staking RBLZ to confirm transactions and improve blockchain security.
  • The Rebel Artefacts Vault: This NFT marketplace comprises almost 10,000 unique collectibles and digital art characters based on 6,831 Citizens, 2,000 Rebels, 999 Warriors, 150 Monarchs, and 19 Recusants.

Early participants with the most RBLZ have privileged benefits, including governance power, insider updates, and induction into the Rebel Meme Hall of Fame.

The Rebel Satoshi presale ends on Feb. 29, 2024. This event began in November 2023, when $RBLZ was worth $0.010. Trading at $0.024, the coin is up 140%.

Rebel Satoshi will officially go live on March 4, 2024, before listing RBLZ on decentralized exchanges for $0.025. The developers are offering latecomers a 30% deposit bonus to grow their holdings before the launch.

Disclosure: This content is provided by a third party. crypto.news does not endorse any product mentioned on this page. Users must do their own research before taking any actions related to the company.

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