Review: The Outlast Trials is a terrifying return to form

Outlast is known for its intense atmosphere, really compelling stories, and utilization of gore to draw players into this creepy and beautifully disgusting world. Ever since Outlast 2, I wasn’t sure how Red Barrels was going to tackle another installment to the franchise, ESPECIALLY a multiplayer installment.  Outlast has a unique way of telling a story in that there is a heavy utilization of notes and psychology to keep the player on their toes, eagerly anticipating the game’s next move.

Creeping around the corner of each hallway, either playing by myself or with friends, I was waiting for the game’s cheesy gotchya! moment, but there was none. I’ve become so desensitized to horror games over the years, so to see that Outlast is returning to its roots is a joy! Delicately placing fear where it knows the player best with Red Barrels utilizing the nostalgia they know they created — it’s like coming home.

This review was made possible by a review code provided by Red Barrels. The company did not see the contents of this review before publishing. 

Horror Comes Home

Searching for clues is a must in the Outlast Trials (Image credit: red barrels)

Palms sweaty, thoughts racing, heart pounding. My experience with the Outlast Trails was like going back in time when I played the first Outlast game.  Since this was mainly a multiplayer experience, I wasn’t sure if I would like it since I play games on my own for the most part. I’m not a big fan of multiplayer unless it’s in Dark Souls or Destiny 2, and even then, I prefer playing them solo.

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