This updated file explorer looks better than Microsoft’s File Explorer

What you need to know

  • Files, a third-party file management app on Windows 11, just received an update to version 3.5.
  • The update changes the app’s design to feature rounded corners and adds several new features.
  • Among the additions are the option to hide the toolbar and the option to edit a file in Notepad by using the right click context menu.

Files is a third-party file management app available on Windows. The app has been on our radar for years and earned praise for its attractive design and feature set that often beats Microsoft’s own File Explorer. Many of the features you see in File Explorer today, such as tabs, shipped first in Files. The third-party app just received an update to version 3.5 that adds more rounded corners and several new features.

The bump to version 3.5 is not massive, but it does bring some welcome changes to the app. The content area of Files is now separated from the status bar, toolbar, and preview pane. With that split comes the addition of some more rounded corners. Previously, only the top-left corner of the content area was rounded.

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