Voice Cloning, AI Stickers, and More Come to Filmora in Recent Updates

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When it comes to choosing a video editing program, there are a lot of different options available, and what you need is going to ultimately come down to what types of videos you’re planning to edit and what types of features excite you.

To this end, Filmora has always been a great option, especially when you consider that it’s possible to use it entirely for free. On top of this, Filmora is constantly receiving new updates that improve on existing features while adding new ones, including its recent Filmora 13.5 update.

What Is Filmora?

Filmora is a free video editing suite that comes with a huge number of essential video editing features such as key framing, chroma-keying, motion tracking, draw masking, and just about anything else that you might want. It also comes with a library of creative assets that you can use as well.

You can even make the most of all of these features from your phone or tablet as well as on your PC, making Filmora a highly versatile video editing tool for almost any situation.

Introducing Filmora 13.5

With Filmora’s most recent 13.5 update, Filmora has recently gotten even better than ever before thanks to a huge range of new AI and other tools that have been implemented directly into the editing suite. Here’s what there is to look forward to.

Text to Speech Voice Cloning

Filmora Graphic Showing AI Voice Cloning


The biggest new feature coming with Filmora 13.5 is the updates to the text-to-speech feature. Whereas before Filmora allowed you to effortlessly convert written text into spoken word using a range of pre-determined AI voices, Filmora 13.5 now supports voice cloning through the incorporation of Azure OpenAI.

This means that all you need to do is provide Filmora with a recording of the voice that you want to clone, and Filmora will be able to generate a highly similar voice from as little as a thirty-second recording.

This generated voice can be used in conjunction with Filmora’s text-to-speech applications in order to more efficiently create spoken word content. The quality of the voice replication is highly accurate and doesn’t just copy the sound of your voice, but also the rate at which you speak, the intonation that you use, and any accent that you may have as well.

This voice cloning feature comes with support for 16 different languages, making it a highly versatile tool that can be used to more easily and efficiently create voice recordings than ever before.

Curved Text

Filmora Graphic Showing Curved Text


With previous versions of Filmora, there have been a wide range of text layout options and styles to choose from, but all of them have been either vertical or horizontal in their layout. This can be a limiting factor when trying to design aesthetically pleasing designs for more unusual layouts or shapes.

This is why Filmora 13.5 is introducing expanded text bending options. Now, when you create text in Filmora, you can choose to introduce one of several new shape options such as arches, semicircles, and more. These shapes can be further tailored to your needs and fine-tuned from there, allowing you to alter the height and width of your text to match any shape that you might desire.

AI Sticker Generator

Filmora Graphic Showing AI Sticker Generation


Filmora already comes with a huge range of creative assets that you get access to when using the video editing suite. This includes more than 10 million assets such as titles, audio, transitions, effects, stickers, and more.

This is further enhanced by the more than enormous range of copyrighted music options, thousands of templates, and a huge library of AI effects as well.

Filmora 13.5 strives to make this even better. While the number of assets available with Filmora is already huge, the odds of finding a sticker that is exactly what you imagined is still not guaranteed. That’s where Filmora’s new AI sticker generator comes in.

All you have to do is describe what you want the sticker to look like and choose the art style that you want the generated sticker to be. From there, Filmora will automatically generate four versions of the sticker that you described to it for you to choose from.

You can include as many as 500 characters when describing the sticker that you want generated, which means that you have plenty of words to create something truly unique.

Corner Pinning

Corner pinning is an effect that allows you to easily make videos, images, or text appear to be 3D. The simplest example of this effect is if you were trying to place an image on a computer screen when the photo or video of that screen has been taken from an angle.

If you were to simply place a perfectly rectangular image on an image of a screen at an angle, it would be extremely obvious that it didn’t fit.

Filmora’s new corner pinning feature allows you to quickly and easily fake this perspective by distorting any video to the correct perspective by adjusting where the corners lie. Perfect for editing video onto screens, frames, and signs.

Transition Effects

Filmora already comes with a huge range of different transition effects that you can use to make your videos more dynamic and interesting than ever before. However, until now, there has been no way to do this in bulk.

Filmora 13.5 adds this feature, allowing you to take the same transition with all of the duration attributes that you have tinkered with and apply it to all of the transitions that you have already set up for your video. This is a great way to more efficiently edit your videos than you were able to do earlier.

To make this even better, you can select multiple transitions and choose to apply them all in order to distribute them randomly amongst the transitions in your video in order to quickly and easily make them more diverse without having to set up your transitions one by one.

Commercial Use Screening

Finally, Filmora 13.5 has made changes to the commercial use screening in order to provide a more comprehensive variety of resources that are available for commercial and brand use. This applies to commercially available logos in stock media, stickers, filters, effects, and transitions.

Get the Most Out of Your Video Editing

As you can see, Filmora 13.5 has added a huge range of new features to the program that allow you to create more easily than ever before. Whether this means making the most out of the new ways that Filmora’s AI tools allow you to generate content quickly and easily, or the next features for curving text and corner pinning that allow you to be more creative with your editing than before, Filmora is a great video editing suite that is constantly evolving.

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