Indiana Jones and the Great Circle gets its first patch on Xbox and PC, with a nice feature for those of you with particularly beefy NVIDIA GPUs

What you need to know

  • Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is available now for Deluxe Edition owners and for everyone else on Xbox and PC on December 9, 2024.
  • The adventure game is akin to a long lost Indiana Jones movie, with an emphasis on puzzling, story, and stealthy combat.
  • It has already picked up its first major patch, which contains a variety of polish and fixes.

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is here, and it could mark the beginning of a new era for Xbox first-party games.

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is developed by Machine Games of Wolfenstein fame, co-produced with Todd Howard of Bethesda Softworks (Elder Scrolls). The game revolves around The Great Circle myth, which is a long-standing theory that major spiritual sites throughout history were built in perfect alignment with a circumnavigable line across the surface of Earth. Indiana Jones and the Axis powers seem to have discovered that there may be more to this Great Circle than meets the eye.

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