Ranking the top 10 dormant Capcom game franchises that need to be revived

During the 2024 Game Awards, dreams finally came true as Capcom announced it would be reviving not one but two of its beloved franchises that haven’t seen the light of day in decades – Onimusha and Okami. In addition to Okami 2 and Onimusha: Way of the Sword, Capcom has also declared that it will focus on ‘re-activating’ more of its dormant IPs (intellectual properties) in the future alongside releasing new games (as confirmed on their official website).

As a long-time Capcom fan, I could not be happier to see these old franchises finally come back. Okami and Onimusha were some of Capcom’s coolest titles ever released on the PlayStation 2. This also makes me hopeful that other Capcom IPs that have been benched for years may at long last get a chance to return to the spotlight.

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