A Plague Tale: Requiem preview — A dark, grisly world that expands on its predecessor

With the 2019 title A Plague Tale: Innocence, French developer Asobo Studio and publisher Focus Entertainment delivered a harrowing tale of Medieval horror, a teenage girl desperate to keep her brother safe, brutal soldiers of the Inquisition, and rats. Lots and lots of rats. All of that seems to hold true with the studio’s follow-up, A Plague Tale: Requiem. 

I recently got the chance to play through chapters 6 and 7 of A Plague Tale: Requiem, getting a closer look at some of the ways that Asobo Studio is building on its prior success, expanding the scope while also keeping things from getting too unwieldy. There’s more work to be done, but based on what I’ve played, this could easily be one of the best games to play in the back half of the year.

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