Adobe Premiere Pro revamp aims to help get your videos on social media with no fuss

    Among all the chatter about Microsoft redesigning Windows 10 – and being about to unleash Windows 11 – Adobe has also been beavering away at a complete overhaul of its professional video editing suite, which the firm is now rolling out in beta.

    Adobe Premiere Pro’s new interface is designed to be more relevant for contemporary content creators working with the likes of video on different social media platforms, while still maintaining its traditional heavyweight video editing chops.

    Adobe Premiere Pro UI Revamp

    (Image credit: Adobe)

    So, workflows have been adjusted to be more streamlined, with the import process allowing for snappy access to video content and the ability to get that quickly into the app. In short, importing focuses on your media in a highly visual manner, cutting to the chase rather than bogging you down in the likes of ‘New Project’ dialog boxes that need to be filled in.

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