It’s been over five years since Disney+ launched and in all that time it’s lacked a fundamental feature: the ability to remove titles from your Continue Watching row. Now, finally, Disney has listened and rectified that mistake.
The Problem With Continue Watching
The Continue Watching row is where all your in-progress movies and TV shows live. It means you can quickly jump in to the next episode of a show, for example. The trouble is, sometimes you start watching something and then decide it’s not for you, or you accidentally hit play, but then it lingers in your Continue Watching row.
Until now, there hasn’t been an easy way to remove a title from the row. This has long been a complaint of mine. I like to keep my Continue Watching row tidy so I know exactly what I’ve got on the go.
After many months, the movie or show might eventually drop off by itself, but even then it could randomly reappear. One tedious method was to skip to the movie’s credits or near the end of the show’s final episode, let it play for a bit, and this would trick Disney+ into thinking you’d watched it all. But this wasn’t always reliable—some titles get stuck in the row, even if you do genuinely finish them.
You Can Now Remove Titles From Continue Watching
Thankfully, it’s now much easier to remove movies and shows from your Continue Watching row on Disney+. The exact method depends on your device:
- On your TV, highlight what you want to remove on the Continue Watching row, press and hold your remote’s select button, then choose “Remove.” If you’re on the title’s details page, select the remove icon (the minus sign).
- On your mobile, from the Continue Watching row, tap the three dots next to the title and select “Remove.”
- On the web, hover over the title and select the remove icon (the minus sign) in the top-right.
At the time of writing, this new feature is only available on the web, Apple TV, and iOS devices, with other platforms like Android and smart TVs receiving support in the coming weeks.
This works on everything apart from live events, which automatically disappear from Continue Watching once they’ve finished.
While this removes the title from your Continue Watching row, it doesn’t delete your watch progress. This means that you can find the movie or show again and pick up where you left off.
Disney+ Should Make Further Enhancements
Other streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video have had this feature for a long time, so it’s great to see Disney+ finally following suit. Disney+ has plenty of great shows and movies, but there’s no denying the functionality is lacking. Some features, like GroupWatch, have even been removed.

Disney+ Has Become Stagnant: 6 Improvements It Needs to Make
The streaming service debuted in 2019 and it’s not changed much since.
Since removing from Continue Watching has long been desired, perhaps this means Disney will start adding other quality of life improvements too, like being able to pin the row to the top.
I’d also love to see Disney delve into the vaults and make classic titles like The Brave Little Toaster and Buzz Lightyear of Star Command available to stream.
Until any of that happens, I’m happy that I can now remove all those shows that I’m never going to finish from my Continue Watching row.

Family favorites, old classics, and exciting new TV all in one place.
Source: The Walt Disney Company