AI is here to refresh the look of Microsoft Edge on your PC

What you need to know

  • Microsoft started testing its AI Theme Generator in the Edge browser recently.
  • The feature uses Microsoft Designer and DALL-E 3 to generate an image based on text input.
  • The browser then swaps the image that appears when you open a new tab and changes the color of the frame of Edge.

Microsoft has yet another AI feature in the works, this time to improve your browsing experience. But rather than AI features that run straight on your PC, this new Edge tool uses Microsoft Designer and DALL-E 3. The feature, called AI Theme Generator, creates a custom image for your browser based on text input. That photo then appears in the new tab page of Edge and inspires a browser frame for Edge as well.

To use AI Theme Generator, you have to run Microsoft Edge Beta version 126.0.2592.13 or later. You also need to use a Microsoft account. If testing goes well, you should see AI Theme Generator in the stable version of Edge in the near future.

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