All Golden Apple Archipelago Chests Day 1

The Golden Apple Archipelago island has returned to Genshin Impact 2.8 with many new, exciting features. Travelers are tasked yet again to ride the Waverider and explore the islands to collect various rewards and open chests all over the Golden Apple Archipelago.

Like many Genshin Impact events, not everything is available during the first day of the Summertime Odyssey Event. Nevertheless, players may explore the new area and unlock all Teleport Waypoints to fully open the map. A total of 23 chests are available on the first day.


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Where To Find Every Chest In The Golden Apple Archipelago

Just like the first Golden Apple Archipelago, not all treasure chests are available at launch. Instead, players will have to wait days and complete the islands’ story quests to have access to more chests. For the first day, there are 23 chests scattered all over the Golden Apple Archipelago. Some are easy to find while the rest can be tough to discover.

The most obvious ones are in the ocean, between the islands, and around them. The chests are protected by one group of enemies. Players can easily take them out and proceed to open these chests. The best place to start hunting these kinds of chests is by scavenging in between Pudding Isle, Minacious Isle, and Broken Isle. They contain 10 of all 23 chests, which will get players going nicely.

Note that not all the water encounters are Hilichurls protecting a chest, sometimes it’s a challenge that players need to take with their Waverider.

One of the hardest chests is located at the nameless small island south of Broken Isle, northwest of Minacious Isle. There, players will fight a small wave of big and small Hydro Slimes. After that, dig the ground to get the hidden treasure chest.

Other than digging treasure chests, there are other methods to reveal them. Most of them are classic mechanisms and don’t require any extra effort, however, some chests are well hidden, like the chest on the middle Isle (east of Broken Isle). It is hidden inside a bush, behind a small tree.

Since it’s still the first day, players have yet to experience the full atmosphere of the Golden Apple Archipelago. Over time, more Genshin Impact content will be added to the islands.

Keep in mind that there are requirements that must be completed to participate in the Summertime Odyssey Event. These requirements are:

  • Players need to be Adventure Rank 32 or above.
  • The Archon Quest “Chapter II: Prologue – Autumn Winds, Scarlet Leaves” must be completed.
  • Complete Mona’s Story Quest “Astrolabos Chapter: Act I – Beyond This World’s Stars” need to be completed.

Genshin Impact is now available on Mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5. A Switch version is in development.

MORE: Genshin Impact: Things To Know Before Pulling For Shikanoin Heizou

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