AMD’s anti-lag+ bans players of CS 2, Apex, and COD

What you need to know

  • AMD’s Anti-Lag+ is causing bans for CS 2, Apex, and game crashes in Call of Duty.
  • It only affects Radeon RX 7000 series GPU’s.
  • AMD tells users to disable the feature until they can push an update.
  • Valve plans to unban users once AMD resolves the issue. 

Gamers beware, AMD’s latest update could cause you to lose years’ worth of progress, in-game DLC, and rare skins.

The official Counter-Strike 2 account posted that due to the new Anti-Lag+ update changing the game code it will result in a “Vac Ban.” They promise in the post that “once AMD ships an update, we can do the work of identifying affected users and reversing their ban.” This was the first confirmation gamers had that there was an issue with the new update by AMD which has led to more posts that cite the Anti-Lag+ feature by AMD causing issues in game. There are several other posts about the issue, such as this one on Steam

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