Apex Legends’ newest hero Vantage is a sniper focused on survival

What you need to know

  • Vantage is a new character coming to Apex Legends with the next season, which is called Apex Legends: Hunted.
  • Vantage can scan enemies from a distance for info, reposition around the battlefield using her pet bat Echo, and 
  • Apex Legends: Hunted is scheduled to begin on Aug. 9, 2022.

As Apex Legends continues to grow, the youngest character yet is joining the playable roster in the next season. 

Apex Legends: Hunted brings Vantage, a young survivalist who grew on a harsh, icy planet. As a sniper, Vantage is used to tracking targets from a distance, which plays a role in her skillset, making her a stark contrast to the defensive Newcastle, who was added earlier in the year. 

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